Time flies here on the road. While enjoying the time in Australia and New Zealand to the fullest, physically it was a period of base building and not doing anything stupid (only one minor bike crash in Wanaka, so I guess that worked out quite well) with so many hard weeks of training to come. The first of these hard weeks are starting right now, here in Clearwater Beach in the US.
I have used a lot of superlatives already for places like Girona and Phuket, but Clearwater also proves to be quite a training paradise. The weather is extremely good and stable in this time of year, the roads are awesome (the only downside of riding in Australia and New Zealand really) and there are a lot of swimming possibilities. Furthermore the whole ‘sports mentality’ here in the states is extremely motivating. Everybody loves it when you tell them you’re a triathlete, elite sportsmen and women are real superstars and wherever you go there is sport on big screens to be seen.
Together with my coach Chris I decided to add one extra race to the schedule. One week before going fast (hopefully) at Ironman Florida 70.3 at April 9th I will enter the Olympic distance race from the HITS series in Ocala. I really consider this race as a training race, but will try to race to my limits on the swim and bike fast. On the run I hope to go fast but will for sure not push too much here. We’ll see what happens. I must say I’m feeling really good and my body is responding very well to some harder work here in the US so far.
At the Ironman Florida 70.3 I hope to set a new personal best time. While the course is not super super fast (the swim is straight up slow due to a strange ‘M shape’, fresh water and projected non wetsuit temperature. The bike is no problem and the run has some serious hills in it) I really think this should be possible. I hope to get away with a nice sub4:30. The real goal of this spring is still Ironman Barcelona 70.3, but since that is a very tough/slow course I might as well go for a fast 70.3 time here!
I will keep you updated!
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