So the first part of exploring the South Island was already amazing and we did not even visit the top sites if we must believe the internet. That fact made us very excited for part 2. Kicking of with Queenstown.
Australia #5: Roadtrip Adelaide to Melbourne
Driving to Melbourne through the Great Ocean Road was always on our list. The Great Ocean Road is probably one of the most famous scenic drives in the world. We did extend it a bit and started in Adelaide. A lot of people skip Adelaide, but we heard nothing but good about Adelaide, so we were very curious.
Australia #1: Sydney
In case you haven’t noticed or simply chose to ignore; We are in Australia! AUSTRALIA! It has always been a huge dream of mine to come here and I am sorry to disappoint some of you haters out there; It is magical. For the people who still have Australia coming up and are looking for some pointers and for all the people who just like to read what we are doing, we have decided to put it in a blog. Some blogs actually. Again sorry for all the haters; We are in Australia for 6 weeks. 😉