Well that was quite a week. Last week we flew from Barcelona to Doha, and two hours later on to Phuket, Thailand. Descending to the airport we had a lot of turbulence because we were flying through thunder and a lot of rain. For a second I was afraid that weather predictions would be true; the first week was supposed to be rain rain rain according to all 371 forecasts I checked…
Riding the Mediteranean coastal loop (and Deventer is a great city)
Looking at my trainingschedule I sometimes think that -although I’m training 6 days a week, 2 or mostly 3 sessions a day- volumes of single trainingsessions are not especially high. Coming from an Ironman preparation in which runs of 30k and bike rides of 200k were ‘normal’, I’m working on my speed now with more intensity and intervals. I must say though that I was happy to see a ‘familiair’ 4.5 – 5 hour easy bike ride planned for this weekend. I knew what I was going to do instantly; ride to the Mediteranean sea and back in a nice loop!
Frodo was right
So here we are. After anticipating this trip for a long time we have spent our first week in Girona. It’s been an awesome week. The city is amazing, the coffee at la Fabrica is still good and the training has been going very well.