While Kelvin was training, I got to test our GoPro under water. Believe me there were a lot of fails of me floating back up in the process…fortunately not on camera…
A little video from an afternoon swim training at Thanyapura in Phuket, Thailand.
What happens when you stop dreaming big and start going big
While Kelvin was training, I got to test our GoPro under water. Believe me there were a lot of fails of me floating back up in the process…fortunately not on camera…
A little video from an afternoon swim training at Thanyapura in Phuket, Thailand.
Terwijl mijn 2 sportbroekjes op de waslijn liggen te drogen (en niet vanwege het wassen…), ik overal pijn heb en mijn altijd klamme (wederom niet door het wassen…) sportschoenen een nieuw level van stank hebben bereikt (sorry. Dit wordt geen mooi stukje), moet mij iets van het hart. Mag je in deze ‘fitte-wereld’ potverdorie nog een ‘medium-sporter’ zijn?
by Kelvin van der Doe // 3 Comments
Well that was quite a week. Last week we flew from Barcelona to Doha, and two hours later on to Phuket, Thailand. Descending to the airport we had a lot of turbulence because we were flying through thunder and a lot of rain. For a second I was afraid that weather predictions would be true; the first week was supposed to be rain rain rain according to all 371 forecasts I checked…